Saturday, October 3, 2009

Barbie and Ken and life

I am involved in helping a young couple and their wedding. They are truly delightful, and are both beautiful young people. Everything has gone well thus far, and it looks as if they are set for a long and happy life together. Here's hoping that is what happens.

But I wonder sometimes if they are not too beautiful? It is like working with Barbie and Ken - both glamourous, both earning good incomes, both with many good friends - just so perfect. Not that I would deny them their happiness - there are enough unhappy people in the world for this occasion to be a welcome relief. No, what worries me is their depth. Will they be able to handle the ups and downs of life, when there isn't a set of parents saying "yes dear, of course you can have it"? He has shown evidence of impatience with anything that does not go his way, and it doesn't occur to her that anything should be too much trouble for other people to provide for her. Perhaps it is just the way they do a wedding. I hope so. Barbies with scruffy hair and Kens in the rubbish bin with dirty faces and arms twisted off isn't what they were manufactured to be. Please God, these two will be as beautiful and as in love at 50 years as they are now, and that life may give them depth through disappointment and joy without breaking them through tragedy or too much success.